Code of Conduct
General Instructions to Students:
1. Students are not allowed to bring their mobile phones to the College. If they are found with any mobile / communication devices it will be hand over to the Management.
2. Students should not create any disrepute to the college. If a student found behaving rudely towards the fellow student (or) staff members will be expelled from the college.
3. Students should be regular and punctual to the college.
4. Student are not allowed to enter the classroom or leave the classroom during class hours without the permission of the class tutor.
5. During College hours students are not permitted to go outside of the campus.
6. Students should maintain absolute silence while moving to library / laboratory / auditorium / classes and back.
7. Students are forbidden from writing, scribbling, painting on the walls, desks, etc.,
8. Students found damaging, destroying college property should replace the same at their own cost.
9. Students are not permitted to organize any meeting in the college premises or collect money for any purpose without the permission of Principal.
10. Continuous Internal Assessment Test I,II&III are the part of the curriculum and students are instructed to attend the tests compulsory.
11. Students are not permitted to visit the visitors in the college during the working hours.
12. Students must abide by the rules and regulations in force in the college from time to time. Students who do not follow the college rules and regulations will be dismissed from the college.
Attendance and Leave of Absence:
1. The student requires 75% of attendance to appear for the university examinations for each and every semester. Student with 50% and less than 50% of attendance in any semester will not be allowed to attend the university Examination and will be asked to re-join the semester to continue the course. The attendance reckoned in terms of days only and not subject wise.
2. Students are not permitted to take leave without prior permission from their class tutor and they must submit the leave letter with parent’s signature.
3. Attendance will be noted for each and every hour. The absence for one/more period in a session will be marked as absent for a half a day.
4. If a student takes leave for more than three days, she will not be allowed into the classroom, unless she meets the Principal along with her parents.
5. During CIA tests students are not permitted to take leave.
6. The students should earn at least 75% of attendance to appear for university exams and those who do not have a minimum percentage of attendance shall have to pay a condonation fee.
Dress Code:
1. Students should wear ID card in the Campus.
2. Students are expected to attend the college in neat and clean clothes.
3. Students are asked to come only in salwar-kameez. They shall not come to the college in any other dress.
4. Students are strictly not permitted to wear skirts, jeans & pants, frocks, short tops and other western wears.
5. Proper hair dressing, properly pinned dhuppattas are expected.
6. Students should wear lab coat during lab hours.
To Parents/Guardians
1. Parents are asked to contact the college authorities periodically to get first-hand information about the attendance, academic progress, conduct, etc.. of their wards.
2. Parents should follow the students’ progress in studies and her general conduct in and outside the college. Their cooperation is solicited especially to ensure regular attendance of classes.
3. Parents are instructed not to give mobile phones, other devices and valuable things to the students.
4. Parents are asked to pay the semester/Transport/Hostel/Other fees within the stipulated time to avoid late fee.