Computer Science
PO1 |
Problem Solving Skill Apply knowledge of Management theories and Human Resource practices to solve business problems through research in Global context. |
PO2 |
Decision Making Skill Foster analytical and critical thinking abilities for data-based decision- making. |
PO3 |
Ethical Value Ability to incorporate quality, ethical and legal value-based perspectives to all organizational activities |
PO4 |
Communication Skill Ability to develop communication, managerial and interpersonal skills. |
PO5 |
Individual and Team Leadership Skill Capability to lead themselves and the team to achieve organizational goals. |
PO6 |
Employability Skill Inculcate contemporary business practices to enhance employability skills in the competitive environment. |
PO7 |
Entrepreneurial Skill Equip with skills and competencies to become an entrepreneur |
PO8 |
Contribution to Society Succeed in career endeavors and contribute significantly to society |
PO9 |
Multicultural competence Possess knowledge of the values and beliefs of multiple cultures and a global perspective. |
PO10 |
Moral and ethical awareness/reasoning Ability to embrace moral/ethical values in conducting one’s life. |
PSO1 |
Ability to apply knowledge of computing, mathematics, and basic sciences that may be relevant and appropriate to the domain |
PSO2 |
Ability to analyze a problem, identify and define the computing requirements, which may be appropriate to its solution |
PSO3 |
Ability to design, implement, and evaluate computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs |
PSO4 |
An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal |
PSO5 |
Understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security, social issues and responsibilities |
PSO6 |
Ability to communicate effectively among a range of audiences |
PSO7 |
Ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society |
PSO8 |
Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development |
PSO9 |
Ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practices. |
PSO10 |
Ability to use and apply current technical concepts and practices in the core development of solutions in the form of Information technology |
PSO11 |
Ability to identify and analyze user needs and take them into account in the selection, creation, evaluation, and administration of computer-based systems |
PSO12 |
Ability to incorporate effectively integrate IT-based solutions to applications |
PSO13 |
Understanding of best practices and standards to develop user interactive and abstract application |
PSO14 |
An ability to assist and manage the execution of an effective project plan |
CO1 |
To develop problem solving abilities using a computer.
CO2 |
To build the necessary skill set and analytical abilities for developing computer based solutions for real life problems. |
CO3 |
To train students in professional skills related to Software Industry.
CO4 |
To prepare necessary knowledge base for research and development in Computer Science.
CO5 |
To help student build-up a successful career in Computer Science and to produce entrepreneurs who can innovate and develop software products.
CO6 |
To develop the ability to analyze a problem and devise an algorithm to solve it.
CO7 |
To formulate algorithms, pseudo codes and flowcharts for arithmetic and logical problems