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Home Departments English



Program Outcome
Program Specific Outcome
Course Outcome


  • The students should be able to interpret in understanding of forms, structure, narrative technique, devices, and style.
  • The students should be able to analyze and apply various literary concepts and critical approaches and enrich the students to organize and integrate the acquired knowledge towards individualistic compositions.
  • Students should be able to apply critical and theoretical approaches in reading literature and cultural texts in multiple genres.
  • Students should be able to write analytically in writing essays, research papers, and critical reviews of secondary sources.
  • Students should be able to understand the process of communicating and interpreting human experiences through historical contexts and disciplinary methodologies.


  • To perform simple communication with suitable vocabulary in reading and writing passages with proper descriptions and narration.
  • To make the students to understand the basic literary theories, literary movements, literary ages and criticism.
  • To make the students to listen to classroom lectures, radio, TV and recordings.
  • To make the students to speak English for various professions, social life situations and business transactions effectively.
  • The learner should be able to read and appreciate short plays and learn drama techniques with interpersonal communication.
  • To foster and inculcate personal, cultural and social values in the learners to become integrated personalities.
  • To prepare official and transaction correspondence, schematic plans, agendas, reports, electronic correspondence, business presentations and managerial strategies to face career demands.


  • To equip the student for their present and future academic pursuits in order to understand                  the classroom lectures and enhance to read text books, reference books, writing assignments     and make them to  participate in classroom activities.
  • To prepare them to function effectively in future professions, to get a clear vision regarding interviews and make them to understand their priorities in a job and appreciate the importance of etiquette for a successful cause.
  • To familiarize the students with different writing styles – satire, metaphysical poetry, tragedy, and comedy of manners.
  • To enrich learners with the knowledge of the scientific study of language and to provide insights into the nature of language which enable the students to understand the theoretical and practical manifestations of linguistics.
  • To make the students to know the difference between linguistic and non-linguistics and also enable the students to know the dialects of various places and persons.
  • To enable students to become competent uses of English in real-life situations.
  • The student will be able to develop leadership and problem-solving skills
  • To make the students to interpret and write effective sentences.
  • To explore the science fiction and detective genres.
  • To educate the students to promote the utility of the English language inliterature and other contemporary forms of culture.
  • To train the student to apply the knowledge in solving, analyzing, and exploring in various difficult situationthrough Dissertation writing.