PO1: Disciplinary Knowledge: Capable of demonstrating comprehensive knowledge and
understanding of one or more disciplines that form a part of an undergraduate programme of
PO2: Critical Thinking: Capability to apply analytic thought to a body of knowledge; analyse
and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, beliefs on the basis of empirical evidence; identify
relevant assumptions or implications; formulate coherent arguments; critically evaluate practices,
policies and theories by following scientific approach to knowledge development.
PO3: Problem Solving: Capacity to extrapolate from what one has learned and apply their
competencies to solve different kinds of non-familiar problems, rather than replicate curriculum
content knowledge; and apply one’s earning to real life situations.
PO4: Analytical Reasoning: Ability to evaluate the reliability and relevance of evidence;
identify logical flaws and holes in the arguments of others; analyze and synthesize data from a
variety of sources; draw valid conclusions and support them with evidence and examples and
addressing opposing viewpoints.
PO5: Scientific Reasoning: Ability to analyse, interpret and draw conclusions from quantitative
/ qualitative data; and critically evaluate ideas, evidence, and experiences from an open minded
and reasoned perspective.
PO6: Self-directed & Lifelong Learning: Ability to work independently, identify and manage
a project. Ability to acquire knowledge and skills, including “learning how to learn”, through
self-placed and self-directed learning aimed at personal development, meeting economic, social
and cultural objectives.
Programme Specific Outcomes:
PSO1: Acquire good knowledge and understanding, to solve specific theoretical & applied
problems in different area of mathematics & statistics.
PSO2: Understand, formulate, develop mathematical arguments, logically and use quantitative
models to address issues arising in social sciences, business and other context /fields.
PSO3: To prepare the students who will demonstrate respectful engagement with other’s ideas,
behaviors, beliefs and apply diverse frames of references to decisions and actions. To create
effective entrepreneurs by enhancing their critical thinking, problem solving, decision making
and leadership skill that will facilitate startups and high potential organizations.
Course Outcomes:
CO1 : Student-centric, meeting the demands of industry & society, incorporating industrial
components, hands-on training, skill enhancement modules, industrial project, project
with viva-voce, exposure to entrepreneurial skills, training for competitive examinations,
sustaining the quality of the core components and incorporating application oriented
content wherever required.
CO2 : The Core subjects include latest developments in the education and scientific front,
advanced programming packages allied with the discipline topics, practical training,
devising mathematical models and algorithms for providing solutions to industry / real
life situations. The curriculum also facilitates peer learning with advanced mathematical
topics in the final semester, catering to the needs of stakeholders with research aptitude.
CO3 : The General Studies and Mathematics based problem solving skills are included as
mandatory components in the ‘Training for Competitive Examinations’ course at the
final semester, a first of its kind.
CO4 : The curriculum is designed so as to strengthen the Industry-Academia interface and
provide more job opportunities for the students.
CO5 : The Industrial Statistics course is newly introduced in the fourth semester, to expose the
students to real life problems and train the students on designing a mathematical model
to provide solutions to the industrial problems.
CO6 : The Internship during the second year vacation will help the students gain valuable work
experience, that connects classroom knowledge to real world experience and to narrow
down and focus on the career path.
CO7 : Project with viva-voce component in the fifth semester enables the student, application
of conceptual knowledge to practical situations. The state of art technologies in
conducting a Explain in a scientific and systematic way and arriving at a precise solution
is ensured. Such innovative provisions of the industrial training, project and internships
will give students an edge over the counterparts in the job market.
CO8 : State-of Art techniques from the streams of multi-disciplinary, cross disciplinary and
inter disciplinary nature are incorporated as Elective courses, covering conventional
topics to the latest - Artificial Intelligence.