+914172 258390   asmwc.college@gmail.com

Home Departments Microbiology



Program Outcome
Program Specific Outcome
Course Outcome

















PO3. PO4 PO5









The course will help them to impart the knowledge of the basic principles of microbiology, bacteriology, mycology, Immunology including the nature of pathogenic microorganisms, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, transmission, prevention and control of diseases common in the country. Also it understands the relationship between the science and society by recognizing and discussing logical, scientific and ethical issues in Microbiology.

Microbiology knowledge: Graduates will acquire microbiology specific knowledge including molecular biology, immunology and rDNA technology coupled with hands- on skills and leadership skills for a successful career.

Problem analysis: Graduates will be able to analyses, solve and troubleshoot problems in implementation of microbiological protocols

Design/development of solutions: Graduates will develop creative thinking and cooperate with each other to solve problems in the field of microbiology

Conduct investigations of complex problems: Graduates will acquire practical skills – which help in planning and designing protocols to validate hypothesis and execute experimental techniques independently as well as assimilate, analyse and interpret subsequent data.

Modern tool usage and communication: Graduates will effectively be able to manage resources and time using ICT and computer enabled devices and accomplishes ability to understand and communicate all ideas effectively.

Environment sustainability and Ethics: Graduates will get adequate knowledge to use information and implement solutions for environmental protection and remediation. Graduates will be aware of their role and responsibility in handling and use of microbes

including genetically modified microorganisms.















PSO5. PSO6. PSO7. PS08. PSO9.


On successful completion of graduation for both the UG and PG students will gain insight of Microbiology starting from history, basic laboratory techniques and fundamental knowledge about the microorganisms.

Lifelong learning: Successful candidates will carry on learning, adapting and disseminating knowledge in a world of constantly evolving technology.

Life Sciences knowledge: Successful candidates will apply current/recent specific knowledge in the respective discipline with proficiency in practical skills and leadership skills for a successful career.

Ethics: Successful candidates will be aware of their role and responsibility in proper handling, use and safe disposal of microbes including genetically modified microorganisms.

Acquire an in depth knowledge on the fundamental concepts and scope of Microbiology and its related fields.

Realize the application oriented aspects of Microbiology and assimilate the technical skills in basic, medical and applied microbiology.

Develop and execute oral and writing skills necessary for effective communication of discipline specific information and experimental results.

Understand and explain the diversity of microorganisms and its interaction with the environment for sustainable development.

Efficiently work as a team involving multiple disciplines with social and ethical values. Attain higher knowledge by developing competency in the field of Microbiology assuring

and enhancing entrepreneurial skills for the betterment of the society.




CO1. CO2.





CO4. CO5.








CO7. CO8.


CO9. CO10 CO11 CO12 CO13


Students able to outline on the basic concepts of microbial metabolism.

Students will able to understand the basic principles of Immunological Techniques.

The Students will able to know the mechanisms of transmission, virulence, pathogenicity of pathogenic microorganisms and methods for treatment and prevention of medical important microorganisms.

Students gain knowledge about the different types of microorganisms and their significance. Students acquire knowledge on microbial physiology and metabolism.

The learners acquire an overview of the clinical microbiology laboratory organization and its activities and various diagnostic approaches covering representative techniques in each category starting from traditional to molecular diagnosis of various diseases caused by bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoan pathogens.

Students acquire knowledge on medically important microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.

Students acquire knowledge in food, dairy and Industrial Microbiology.

Students acquire knowledge on Immunology, the antigen antibody reactions in vivo/ in vitro and microbial genetics.

Students acquire knowledge on the concepts of molecular biology and rDNA Technology. Students acquire a good understanding on the Microbial Ecology, Soil and Agricultural Microbiology.

Students acquire skill on handling various laboratory instruments with a keen knowledge about its principle of working.

Builds the skill to identify the cultures by maintaining all aseptic preparations and prepare media for sub culturing and growing microorganisms.

Students will be able to correlate disease symptoms with causative agent, isolate and identify pathogens.

The learners acquire laboratory skills in the field of diagnostic Microbiology.

Students learn about the different types of fermentation processes, equipments used and microbiological processes involved.