Clubs & Committees
Internal Compliant committee
As per the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act &Rules 2013 and section 4(1) of the Act, ASMWC has constituted Internal Compliance Committee (ICC).
Definition for Sexual Harassment:
Any unwanted sexual behavior that upsets, frightens, offends, or is intended to embarrass someone is considered sexual harassment. One kind of sexual violence is sexual harassment, which is the term used to characterize any sexual act or action that takes place without permission such as,
- Physical contact and advances;
- A demand for or request for sexual favors;
- Making sexually suggestive comments, or
- Displaying graphic images, or Any additional unwanted sexual behavior, whether it be verbal, physical, or non-verbal.
When consent to such behavior is given, either directly or indirectly, as a requirement for employment, mentoring, instruction, or evaluation of an individual's involvement in the institution's operations. Such behavior aims to interfere with someone else's performance or to incite hostility, intimidation, or offensiveness in the workplace.
Feel bad |
Feel good |
One-sided |
Reciprocal |
Feels Powerless |
In-control |
Power-based |
Equality |
Unwanted |
Wanted |
Demeaning |
Appreciative |
Illegal |
Legal |
Causes anger/sadness |
Happy |
Causes negative self-esteem |
Positive self-esteem |
The following are the goals of the Internal Complaint Committee to Prevent Sexual Harassment of Women at Work:
- To guarantee that the policy is followed in letter and spirit by appropriately reporting complaints and handling their follow-up.
- Preserving the Institute's pledge to create a discrimination-free environment for women.
- To encourage a psychological and social milieu that heightens consciousness regarding sexual harassment in all of its manifestations.
- To prevent sexual harassment by establishing a safe and secure social and physical environment.
- To develop an ongoing system at the Institute for the avoidance and resolution of incidents of sexual harassment and other gender-based violence.
Responsibilities of ICC:
1. Every business ought to provide a harassment-free, secure work environment. The ICC is the only body tasked with conducting an impartial investigation into the accusation against POSH. In order to address and promptly handle accusations of sexual harassment, the ICC must exercise vigilance. The only body with the power to look into concerns and try to address them is the ICC.
2. The reputations of the business and its goodwill are also damaged by complaints of sexual harassment at work, in addition to those of the complainant and the accused.