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Grievance Redressal Committee

Grievance Redressal Committee

There is a Students' Grievance Redressal Committee at the college. The Committee's duties include investigating and assessing any issues submitted by students. The Grievance Redressal Committee has the authority to investigate complaints of harassment.

Anybody can speak with the issue Redressal Committee members in person if they have a legitimate issue. Complaints may be submitted in writing if the individual is unwilling to attend in person. Grievances can also be emailed to the principal or the officer overseeing the Students' Grievance Redressal Committee.

Objectives of Grievance Redressal Committee:

In order to address the issues raised by the college's students, a Grievance Redressal Committee has been established with the following goals in mind:

  • To protect the reputation of the college by making sure that there is no conflict within the institution by encouraging friendly relationships between students and teachers, among other things.
  • It is to deal with the complex situations in a tactful way to lessen the condition felt to be oppressive or dissatisfied.
  • It is to provide responsive, accountable, and easily accessible machinery for settlement of grievances and to take measures in the college undertakings to ensure expeditious settlement of students' grievances in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute.
  • Encouraging students to openly and honestly discuss their complaints and issues without worrying about becoming victims.
  • Counseling College students to respect each other's rights and dignity and to exercise extreme patience and restraint whenever any

Functions of Grievance Redressal Committee

  • The cell's job is to investigate and assess the validity of any complaints that students may file.
  • Inquiries into harassment cases can also be handled by the Grievance Cell.
  • In person or after consulting with the class coordinator, anyone with a legitimate complaint may address the department members.
  • Grievances can be sent in writing to the Grievance Cell's suggestion box or mailbox at the Administrative Block if the individual is unwilling to attend in person.
  • The person overseeing the Students' Grievance Cell or grc1999@gmail.com are the email addresses where grievances can also be reported.
  • When formal complaints from students are received, the issues will be handled right away. Upon receiving cases, the Grievance Cell will take appropriate action and provide the required.
  • The Grievance Cell guarantees that the grievance has been appropriately resolved within the time frame that the cell has set.
  • The unit will create statistics reports regarding the number of instances received and will formally review each case. The cell will report to the appropriate authorities regarding the cases handled and the quantity of cases that are still pending and in need of guidance and direction from higher authorities.

Grievance Redressal Committee

There is a Students' Grievance Redressal Committee at the college. The Committee's duties include investigating and assessing any issues submitted by students. The Grievance Redressal Committee has the authority to investigate complaints of harassment.

Anybody can speak with the issue Redressal Committee members in person if they have a legitimate issue. Complaints may be submitted in writing if the individual is unwilling to attend in person. Grievances can also be emailed to the principal or the officer overseeing the Students' Grievance Redressal Committee.

Objectives of Grievance Redressal Committee:

In order to address the issues raised by the college's students, a Grievance Redressal Committee has been established with the following goals in mind:

  • To protect the reputation of the college by making sure that there is no conflict within the institution by encouraging friendly relationships between students and teachers, among other things.
  • It is to deal with the complex situations in a tactful way to lessen the condition felt to be oppressive or dissatisfied.
  • It is to provide responsive, accountable, and easily accessible machinery for settlement of grievances and to take measures in the college undertakings to ensure expeditious settlement of students' grievances in order to maintain a harmonious educational atmosphere in the institute.
  • Encouraging students to openly and honestly discuss their complaints and issues without worrying about becoming victims.
  • Counseling College students to respect each other's rights and dignity and to exercise extreme patience and restraint whenever any

Functions of Grievance Redressal Committee

  • The cell's job is to investigate and assess the validity of any complaints that students may file.
  • Inquiries into harassment cases can also be handled by the Grievance Cell.
  • In person or after consulting with the class coordinator, anyone with a legitimate complaint may address the department members.
  • Grievances can be sent in writing to the Grievance Cell's suggestion box or mailbox at the Administrative Block if the individual is unwilling to attend in person.
  • The person overseeing the Students' Grievance Cell or grc1999@gmail.com are the email addresses where grievances can also be reported.
  • When formal complaints from students are received, the issues will be handled right away. Upon receiving cases, the Grievance Cell will take appropriate action and provide the required.
  • The Grievance Cell guarantees that the grievance has been appropriately resolved within the time frame that the cell has set.
  • The unit will create statistics reports regarding the number of instances received and will formally review each case. The cell will report to the appropriate authorities regarding the cases handled and the quantity of cases that are still pending and in need of guidance and direction from higher authorities.