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Co-Curricular Activities



The National Cadet Corps is the Indian military cadet corps with its head quarter at New Delhi. NCC is the world’s largest uniform youth organisation. The NCC in India is a voluntary organization which recruits cadets from high schools, colleges and universities all over India.


  • The Motto of NCC is Unity and Discipline.
  • The Aims of NCC is to develop Character, Comradeship, Discipline, a Secular outlook and the spirit of adventure.
  • Ideals of NCC is selfless service among young citizens.
  • NCC gives an opportunity to serve the society and make it better.
  • It encourages youth to be patriotic and a good responsible citizens.
  • It helps to inbuilt the personality and noble character within them.


  • It’s a suitable platform for motivating the youth to take up a career in the armed forces.
  • To create a human resources and motivate the youth to service to the nation. Provides leadership quality in all walks of life.
  • It emphasis on social service, Discipline and Adventure training.
  • NCC cadets have a lot of academic incentives and reservation of many jobs in state and central governments.
  • Conducts awareness program on social issues like Plastic awareness, Cancer awareness, Sexual harassment, Anti corruption etc.,
  • Celebrating Nationalized days to initiate the patriotism among the students.
Activity Report


The National Cadet Corps is the Indian military cadet corps with its head quarter at New Delhi. NCC is the world’s largest uniform youth organisation. The NCC in India is a voluntary organization which recruits cadets from high schools, colleges and universities all over India.


  • The Motto of NCC is Unity and Discipline.
  • The Aims of NCC is to develop Character, Comradeship, Discipline, a Secular outlook and the spirit of adventure.
  • Ideals of NCC is selfless service among young citizens.
  • NCC gives an opportunity to serve the society and make it better.
  • It encourages youth to be patriotic and a good responsible citizens.
  • It helps to inbuilt the personality and noble character within them.


  • It’s a suitable platform for motivating the youth to take up a career in the armed forces.
  • To create a human resources and motivate the youth to service to the nation. Provides leadership quality in all walks of life.
  • It emphasis on social service, Discipline and Adventure training.
  • NCC cadets have a lot of academic incentives and reservation of many jobs in state and central governments.
  • Conducts awareness program on social issues like Plastic awareness, Cancer awareness, Sexual harassment, Anti corruption etc.,
  • Celebrating Nationalized days to initiate the patriotism among the students.

Academic Year








