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Library >> Rules & Regulations


  • The library is kept open on all the working days for all the students and staff  of the college from 9.00am to 5.00 pm.
  • The library will remain closed on all holidays.
  • Students and staff should make an entry in the gate register before entering the library.
  • Each first year UG student can borrow two books, second and third year UG students can borrow two books and PG  students can borrow two books for an academic year using their ID card.
  • Students will be entitled to keep the borrowed books for two weeks from the date of issue.
  • At the end of the period, they shall return the books to the library.
  • A student failing to return a book on the due date will be fined as follows.
  • For day - Rs.1 per book for each day of delay.
  • Absence from college will not ordinarily be accepted as an excuse for delay   in the return of books.
  • Reference books will not be lent out.
  • Students are expected to use all the books with care.
  • If a book is lost or damaged, the borrower has to replace the book of cost.
  • Do not mark or write anything in books.
  • Every book will be examined and if it is found damaged, the matter will be reported to the Principal for disciplinary action.
  • The library will be closed during vacation.
  • Strict silence and decorum should be observed in the library.
  • It is the duty of the librarian to bring to the notice of the Principal if any student is damaging the books, talking or making   noise or coming to the library improperly dressed or misbehaving.
  • Students must return all the library books and the cards at the end of the course or at the time of leaving the college whichever is earlier. All dues should be paid.
  • Students are not allowed to bring any printed matter, notebooks or files inside the library.
  • The librarian’s decisions are final in the matter of issue, and collection of the books from the students.    
  • Check the books at the time of issuing. In case of any defect or damage please inform the library staff.
  • Use of the computers kept inside the library is allowed for accessing library catalogue, e-journals, e-books and academic       database only.
  • The Librarian reserves the right to recall items issued at any time, even before the due date.