+914172 258390   asmwc.college@gmail.com

Home Departments Computer Applications

Computer Applications


Program Outcome
Program Specific Outcome
Course Outcome



  • Acquire skills and information not only about Computer and Information Technology but also in communication, organization and
  • Get to learn programming languages such as C, C++, HTML, SQL, DBMS, and Networking etc
  • Develop an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning
  • Ability to work in team and build leadership  
  • Understand the professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities in computing


  • An ability to enhance the application of knowledge of theory subjects in diverse
  • Develop language proficiency to handle corporate communication
  • Preparing students in various disciplines of technologies such as computer applications, computer networking, software engineering, JAVA, database concepts and
  • In order to enhance programming skills of the young IT professionals, the concept of project development in using the technologies learnt during the semester has been
  • To enhance knowledge in robotics, provide experimental hardware equipment for teaching the basics of robotics, robot dynamics and control, and robot system design and
  • To enhance logical ability and programming concepts by implementing programming
  • Preparing students for future aspects by building and improving their creativity, social awareness, and general
  • Encouraging students to convert their start-up idea to reality by
  • Ability to understand the changes or future trends in the field of computer
  • Ability to identify, formulates, analyze and solve problems of programming using different


  • To enable the students to develop logics and programs.
  • Skill to execute programs of various Numerical Methods and Statistical Techniques for solving mathematical problems.
  • To learn how to apply algorithms of data structures on data.
  • Ability to understand the functionality, organization and implementation of computer system.
  • Familiarization with Database Management System.
  • Knowledge of uses and services of Computer Network.
  • Knowledge of client-side and server-side scripting languages to build dynamic web pages. 
  • To deliver a detailed knowledge of integral software in a computer system – Operating System.
  • Understanding of various methods or models for developing a software product.
  • Implement the android developing environment And develop a simple android application.